Welcome to this website which includes information relating to the public exhibition for our proposal to develop an energy storage facility with associated infrastructure within the Forss Business & Energy Park.
Our Proposals
The proposal is for an energy storage facility that would be capable of importing and exporting up to 49.9 Megawatts of electricity. The facility would comprise of a range of battery units with associated buildings, fencing, CCTV cameras and ancillary buildings.
The proposed facility would sit alongside the Forss Business & Energy Park and would complement the existing renewable energy facilities and focus of the Park. The Business & Energy Park has recently received Planning Permission to install a further wind turbine and also has an operational anaerobic digestion plant.
About the Project Partners
Forss Energy Storage Limited is working with the landowner Abbey Properties to develop this energy storage facility. The Forss Business & Energy Park is operated by Abbey Ecosse Limited and the companies are working together to promote the Park’s renewable energy focus.
Forss Energy Storage Limited will be the Applicant for any future Planning Application and the company holds an existing grid offer to connect the scheme to the local electricity network.
Get in touch with us
We look forward to hearing your feedback